Sentinel Team

Penguin: Because Reading Matters

Megan Wenerstrom, Editorial Assistant

Megan Wenerstrom joined Sentinel in May 2022, after five years as a high school English teacher. She is interested in politics, history, education policy, and compelling investigations into the worlds of business, finance, and technology.

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Margot Stamas, Associate Publisher and Director of Publicity and Marketing

Margot Stamas joined Portfolio in 2012. As the Associate Publisher and Director of Publicity and Marketing, Margot is responsible for overseeing the promotional strategy across the Portfolio, Sentinel, and Optimism lists. She has led bestselling campaigns for Sophia Amoruso’s #GIRLBOSS, Marie Forleo’s Everything Is Figureoutable, Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism, Emily Chang’s Brotopia, Gregory Zuckerman’s The Man Who Solved the Market, and more.

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Helen Healey-Cunningham, Executive Editor

Since joining Sentinel in 2017, Helen has aimed to discover leaders, thinkers, and agitators who resist political orthodoxy and empower ordinary Americans. Serving a diverse range of readers, she enjoys editing movement-starting books about racial justice, economic justice, parenting, political powerbrokers, mental toughness, self-esteem, science, Christianity, and more.

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Bria Sandford, Executive Editor

Bria Sandford joined Sentinel in 2012. Fascinated by shifting political coalitions, she is drawn to counterintuitive takedowns of conventional wisdom. She enjoys editing a wide range of idea-driven nonfiction, with a focus on history, sociology, economics, and good old-fashioned polemic. Her bestselling and critically acclaimed authors include Brian Kilmeade, Rod Dreher, Reihan Salam, and Senator Mike Lee. She tweets at @blsandford.

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Adrian Zackheim, Founder, President, and Publisher

Adrian Zackheim joined Penguin Group in September 2001 as Founder and Publisher of Portfolio. He then took on the additional challenge of starting Sentinel in April 2003. In 2018, he announced the addition of another new imprint to the group: The Optimism Press, in collaboration with Simon Sinek.

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